
Two CERGE-EI’s Researchers Join the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs’ Advisory Team

4. dubna 2022

Filip Pertold and Štěpán Jurajda will be part of the Czech Minister of Labor and Social Affairs’ Marian Jurečka team. The group's task is to prepare a pension reform on ensuring future adequate pensions, pension system stability, and long-term financial sustainability.

"In the Government's Program Statement, we have committed ourselves to a pension reform. For the system to be sustainable in the long term, we need to support families and the flexibility of work and resolve the issue of pensions for workers in strenuous professions," said Minister Marian Jurečka.

The advisory team will evaluate the proposals prepared in the previous period. The result will recommend parameters for changes to the pension system. The group will meet for the first time this week. Read more on the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic website.

Štěpán Jurajda is Science, Research, and Innovation’s Deputy Minister, and Research, Development, and Innovation Council’s Vice-Chairman.
