
Daniel Münich: Increased Inequality Access to Good Education due to Covid

9. listopadu 2021

"Have we learned anything new about the educational system during the pandemic? And why is the economics of education becoming more important these days?" asks Katarína Stehlíková in Talking Economics, a Podcast with Daniel Münich.

Daniel Münich, a CERGE-EI Ph.D. in Economics alumnus and member of the CERGE-EI Faculty, points out that inequality emerged during the pandemic: "I mean inequality in access to good education. It was already a problem before Covid. We don't have much data, but I'm convinced, given what I know, that inequality in education and resulting skills will substantially increase during the pandemic. That's a big issue even for us researchers." 

Munich 2

Since 2012, Daniel Münich has served as executive director of the academic think-tank IDEA at CERGE-EI. Daniel was an advisor to Czech’s Minister of Education, Youth, and Sport, among other consulting and advisory activities. He joined the Economic Advisory Board of the National Crisis Committee in 2020, whose main task was to recommend measures to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the country.

You can listen to Talking Economics on several platforms, including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts,, and YouTube.