Daily Events
15:45 | Special Event
Career Integration Fellows Snapshots
Every year in August, CERGE-EI has an opportunity to welcome approximately 60 new Teaching Fellows from numerous countries, who participate in the Teaching Fellows Pedagogical Course, along with visiting Economics professors from renown universities of Eastern Europe. The course features workshops and group discussions on modern Economics teaching practices, and is a great chance to network with others in the field.
This year, the CERGE-EI community will have a chance to meet our guests - the Career Integration Fellows will present their research at the Career Integration Fellows Snapshots event. Snapshots follow the popular format of condensing the presentation into 8 minutes, allowing a wide audience to appreciate the highlights of the work. The event is followed by an informal party with refreshments, where attendees and presenters can meet and greet, and discuss their work in more detail with everyone interested. The event is open to the entire CERGE-EI community.