Daily Events
16:00 | Economics Discovery Hub
In this workshop, participants will have an opportunity to go through all the steps generally associated with an empirical study using Stata software. The workshop will start with downloading data and continue with data cleaning, statistical analysis and estimating an econometric model, all within the scope of examining the determinants of life satisfaction. A basic knowledge of statistics and/or econometrics is recommended.
The workshop is taught by Radek Janhuba, a PhD student at CERGE-EI.
Date: Thursday, 17 March, 2016
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Sign up to reserve your place.
16:30 | Micro Theory Research Seminar
Prof. Marco LiCalzi (U. of Venice) “Target-based solutions for Nash bargaining”
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Authors: Lorenzo Bastianello and Marco LiCalzi
Abstract: We revisit the Nash model for two-person bargaining. A mediator knows agents' ordinal preferences over feasible proposals, but has incomplete information about their acceptance thresholds. We provide a behavioural characterisation under which the mediator recommends a proposal that maximises the probability that bargainers strike an agreement. Some major solutions are recovered as special cases; in particular, we offer a straightforward interpretation for the product operator underlying the Nash solution.
Keywords: cooperative bargaining, target-based preferences, Nashsolution, egalitarianand utilitarian solutions, mediation, copulas.
JEL ClassificationNumbers: C78, D81, D74.
Full Text: “Target-based solutions for Nash bargaining”
18:30 | Economics Discovery Hub
Join us for an informal evening discussion with our PhD student Vojtěch Bartoš where he will share with you his experiences of co-authoring an article for one of the top five economics journals.
“Using an example of our paper entitled “Attention Discrimination: Theory and field experiments with monitoring information acquisition” (a joint work with Michal Bauer, Julie Chytilová, and Filip Matějka), I will guide you through the process of academic research in economics from its inception through to publication in a top economics journal. During the talk, I will present the main ideas of the paper, but the main focus will be behind the scenes: how to look for a research question, when to talk to your advisor, why collaborate with others, how to write a paper in a structured way and why economic theory is helpful in this respect, and finally how the publication process works.”
Sign up to reserve your place.