Daily Events
08:00 | Special Event
Reframing the Dialogue from Quotas to Complementarity
An International Forum of Professional Women Exchanging Experiences on the Benefits of Gender Integration and Complementarity. Conducted by: Rodriguez & Associates, LLC & Business Woman magazine.
Location: Schebek Palace, Prague, Czech Republic
Date: September 29—30, 2014
Participation by invitation only. External event. More information.
16:30 | Applied Micro Research Seminar
Prof. Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln “Long-Lasting Effects of Socialist Education”
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Authors: Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln and Paolo Masella
Abstract: Political regimes influence the contents of education and the criteria used to select and evaluate students. We study the impact of a socialist education on the likelihood of obtaining a college degree, as well as on several labor market outcomes, by exploiting the reorganization of the school system in East Germany after reunification. Our identification strategy exploits cut-off birth dates for school enrollment that lead to variation in the length of exposure to the socialist education system within the same birth cohort. We find that an additional year of socialist education substantially decreases the probability of obtaining a college degree, and also affects longer-term labor market outcomes for males.