Úterý 08.11.2016 | 18:00 | Economics Discovery Hub
Miroslav Singer “The Best from the Economics of Information Goods”
Technology changes. Economic laws do not.
Tuesdays, 18:00-19:30
Starting date: 8 November, 2016
Finishing date: 29 November, 2016
Information is costly to produce but cheap to reproduce and it has a different value for different groups of customers. In this course, we will look at the macroeconomics foundations of production of information goods (eg. software, data, networks, movies, web pages etc.) and their components, such as hardware. We will explain the phenomena that we observe in the information goods sector, including high competitiveness, quick growth of companies and their sudden bankruptcies.
The content of the course is based on the book “Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy” by C. Shapiro and H.R. Varian, as well as a course that was taught by Miroslav Singer at the University of Economics.
If you are interested to see how the economic principles apply in the age of the internet, this is the right course for you!
About the facilitator: Miroslav Singer
Former Czech National Bank Governor.
Miroslav earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to joining Czech National Bank in 2005, Miroslav worked at top positions in Expandia and PricewaterhouseCoopers, he also lectured at CERGE-EI and University of Economics. He served as a governor of the Czech National Bank until July 2016. Under his leadership, the Czech National Bank has received a prestigious award “Central Banking Transparency Award 2015” for openness and usage of new communication tools.