Events at CERGE-EI
Monday, 24 October, 2022 | 13:00 | Brown Bag Seminar | ONLINE
Daniil Kashkarov: "Ability as Adaptability"
Let us invite you to a Brown Bag Seminar given by Daniil Kashkarov (CERGE-EI Ph.D. student)
on Oct 24th at 13:00 in room 402
Presenter: Daniil Kashkarov
Title: "Ability as Adaptability"
Abstract: In this project, I am developing an idea about the adaptability of workers to labor market shocks. I treat the ability to learn new skills as an adaptability engine. My approach to the analysis of adaptability of workers to labor market shocks is based on the biological and ecological literature studying the within-species differences in responses to the changes in environment. I add heterogeneity in ability to the model of investment into multiple skills by Cavounidis and Lang (2020) and show that ability to learn new skills affects 3 major tradeoffs that the well-established biological and ecological literature considers to be determinative for the adaptability of species and individuals to the changing environments.
Online link for the seminar:
Passcode: 4578
This project is co-financed by the European Union.