St 19.04.2017 | 14:00 | Special Event CZ

Visiting Master´s Scheme Presentation

CERGE-EI in cooperation with IES invites you to the Visiting Master’s Scheme presentationYou will meet current Visiting Master`s Scheme student as well as PhD program representative.

Date: Wednesday, 19 April 19, 2017

Time: 2 pm

Location: Institute of Economic Studies FSV UK, Opletalova 26, 110 00, Praha 1, room 314. 

The Visiting Master´s Scheme, run jointly by CERGE-EI and IES, is primarily designed for academically motivated master’s students who are considering studying for a PhD in Economics and pursuing careers in the global academic sector or in international organizations. It is open to students enrolled in the Master's program Ekonomie a finance or Master in Economics and Finance at IES.

As a Visiting Master´s Scheme participant, you spend one year of your MA studies at CERGE-EI taking first year courses (which are automatically recognized by IES). After completing your second year MA studies at IES, you may apply to the PhD program at CERGE-EI and transfer directly into the second year of the doctorate program.

For more information about the scheme please see web page and Visiting Master´s Scheme leaflet.

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