
Doc. Nikolas Mittag, Ph.D.

Doc. Nikolas Mittag, Ph.D.

Associate Professor with Tenure

Research orientation: applied econometrics, microeconomics, public economics, program evaluation

Kancelář: 304

+420-224 005 128

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Nikolas Mittag has been an Associate Professor with Tenure and member of Executive and Supervisory Committee since 2019. He is a Docent (Associate Professor) at CERGE, Charles University, and a Researcher at the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (EI). He is also affiliated under the Institute for the Study of Labor and the University of Chicago. He received his B.A. degree in Philosophy & Economics from the University of Bayreuth and his Ph.D. in Public Policy Studies from the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago. He received the Dennis J. Aigner Award by the Journal of Econometric. His work was published at periodicals such as the Journal of Econometrics, Survey Research Methods, Applied Economics.

Research Orientation:

Applied econometrics, microeconomics, public economics, program evaluation

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