
Ctirad Slavík, Ph.D.

Ctirad Slavík, Ph.D.

Associate Professor with Tenure

Research orientation: macroeconomics, public finance, financial economics

Kancelář: 327

+420-224 005 121

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Ctirad Slavík has been an Associate Professor with Tenure since 2024 (previously an Assistant Professor since 2016) at CERGE-EI (under U.S. permanent charter). He is also an Assistant Professor at CERGE, Charles University, and a Researcher at the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Money and Macroeconomics, Goethe University Frankfurt. He was a Research Analyst at the Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA. He received his M.A. in Economics, Charles University, Prague, M.A. in Economics, CERGE-EI, New York, and Ph.D. in Economics, University of Minnesota. Ctirad is a receiver of the Primus Research Programme, two Czech Science Foundation Grants and a senior investigator in the NPO project ‘Systemic Risk Institute’ (LX22NPO5101) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

Research Orientation:

Macroeconomics, public finance, financial economics

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